Randolf Richardson's C++ classes
The atomize class provides an object-oriented interface with array-style access to a string, that was efficiently separated into atoms, and with more granularity and functionality through the use of modes (see mode for deatils) and certain API methods, hence one could say "atomize can split your atoms safely.". More...
#include <randolf/atomize>
Public Types | |
Optional flags that alter, modify, or enhance the operation of atomization intake. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
atomize (const char *intake, const int len, const int flags, const char mode) | |
Instantiate an atomize object using the specified ASCIIZ string for intake. | |
atomize (const char *intake, const int len=-1, const int flags=ATOMIZE_DEFAULT, const char *mode=nullptr) | |
Instantiate an atomize object using the specified ASCIIZ string for intake. | |
atomize (const int flags, const char mode) noexcept | |
Instantiate an empty atomize object, which is expected to be used with the assign method at some later point. (This is particularly useful for defining a local atomize object in a header file in a way that won't throw an exception, including invalid mode codes {which will just be ignored instead of throwing an exception}.) | |
atomize (const int flags=ATOMIZE_DEFAULT, const char *mode=nullptr) noexcept | |
Instantiate an empty atomize object, which is expected to be used with the assign method at some later point. (This is particularly useful for defining a local atomize object in a header file in a way that won't throw an exception, including invalid mode codes {which will just be ignored instead of throwing an exception}.) | |
atomize (const std::string &intake, const int len, const int flags, const char mode) | |
Instantiate an atomize object using the specified string for intake. | |
atomize (const std::string &intake, const int len=-1, const int flags=ATOMIZE_DEFAULT, const char *mode=nullptr) | |
Instantiate an atomize object using the specified string for intake. | |
~atomize () noexcept | |
Destructor. | |
atomize & | assign (const char *intake, const int len=-1) |
Assign (and interpret) a new ASCIIZ string (flags and modes are inherited). | |
atomize & | assign (const std::string &intake, const int len=-1) |
Assign (and interpret) a new string (flags and modes are inherited). | |
std::string | at (int index, const char *mode=nullptr) |
Access to atoms, whilst utilizing the operator mode that was configured using the mode method. Return an entire atom. | |
std::string | at (int index, const char mode) |
Access to atoms, whilst utilizing the operator mode that was configured using the mode method. Return an entire atom. | |
atomize & | clear () |
Clear this atomize's underlying data and reset all states. | |
bool | empty () |
Confirm that there are no atoms. | |
int | flags () |
Obtain current set of internal flags. | |
atomize & | flags (const int flags=ATOMIZE_DEFAULT) |
Set internal flags. | |
std::string | get (int index) |
Return the entire atom. | |
std::string | get_key (int index) |
Return the key portion of an atom, or the entire atom if a key-vlue pair wasn't detected. | |
std::string | get_value (int index) |
Return the value portion of an atom, or an empty string if a key-vlue pair wasn't detected. | |
bool | has_kv (int index) |
Indicates whether the specified atom was split into a key-value pair (if it was, then the key and the value are delimited by the first instance of an equal sign {= }). | |
std::string | mode () noexcept |
Get the operator modes that are set for the operator[] operator. | |
atomize & | mode (const char *mode) |
Set the operator modes for use with the operator[] operator (modes that are not specified will be reset to their defaults). | |
atomize & | mode (const char mode) |
Set the operator modes for use with the operator[] operator (modes that are not specified will be reset to their defaults). | |
std::string | operator[] (int index) |
Array-style access to atoms, whilst utilizing the operator mode that was configured using the mode method. | |
size_t | size () |
Return the total quantity of atoms. | |
std::vector< std::string > | to_vector (bool split_kv_pairs=false) noexcept |
Generate an std::vector<std::string> that contains all atoms. | |
The atomize class provides an object-oriented interface with array-style access to a string, that was efficiently separated into atoms, and with more granularity and functionality through the use of modes (see mode for deatils) and certain API methods, hence one could say "atomize can split your atoms safely.".
When parsing a line or block of text, the following is assumed:
Data is interpreted in a single pass during instantiation or assignment, and the interpretation algorithm is written in an optimized programming style to ensure high efficiency.
There are no memory leaks, which, as it turns out, is particularly important not only because the specialized parsing involved is often utilized in heavy data processing loops where speed and reliability are needed, but also because some of the libraries I've tested that provide similar functionality leak memory or fail in other ways that were triggered by peculiar or fuzzed data, which this class is not impacted by (primarily because I don't trust data to always be "as expected").
Parsing command lines or configuration settings can become challenging when multiple parameters are provided on a single line, and some of those parameters include quoted text that contains spaces. This class handles all of these scenarios and makes it easy to access each parameter in the same manner that arrays and vectors are accessed.
I created this class to make it easier to consistently parse lines of text from configuration files, lines of text supplied by users, and to write internet server daemons that interact using commands in the form of lines of text.
An ASCIIZ string is a C-string (char* array) that includes a terminating null (0) character at the end.
I use the term "ASCIIZ string" to indicate an array of characters that's terminated by a 0 (a.k.a., null). Although this is very much the same as a C-string, the difference is that in many API functions a C-string must often be accompanied by its length value. When referring to an ASCIIZ string, I'm intentionally indicating that the length of the string is not needed because the string is null-terminated. (This term was also commonly used in assembly language programming in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, and as far as I know is still used by machine language programmers today.)
Parameter stacking is also supported (with methods that return atomize*
enum randolf::atomize::ATOMIZE_FLAGS : int |
Optional flags that alter, modify, or enhance the operation of atomization intake.
Enumerator | |
ATOMIZE_DEFAULT | The ATOMIZE_DEFAULT flag isn't necessary, but it's included here for completeness as it accomodates programming styles that prefer to emphasize when defaults are being relied upon. |
ATOMIZE_USE_ALL_QUOTES | Interpret all quotation marks (the default is to only utilize enclosing quotation marks). |
ATOMIZE_IGNORE_QUOTES | Don't interpret quotation marks as grouping characters. |
ATOMIZE_DELETE_QUOTES | Delete quotation marks that function as grouping characters (this flag has no effect when ATOMIZE_IGNORE_QUOTES is set). |
inlinenoexcept |
Instantiate an empty atomize object, which is expected to be used with the assign method at some later point. (This is particularly useful for defining a local atomize object in a header file in a way that won't throw an exception, including invalid mode codes {which will just be ignored instead of throwing an exception}.)
flags | See ATOMIZE_FLAGS for a list of options |
mode | Granulatarity (default is to return the entire atom): nullptr = don't set any modes "k" = key (same as 0 if no key-value pair was detected) "v" = value (will be empty if no key-value pair was detected) "p" = returns "1" if key-value pair is present, or an empty string if not Conversion options (default is for no conversion): "c" = Camel_Case "f" = First character in upper-case "l" = all lower case "u" = ALL UPPER CASE |
inlinenoexcept |
Instantiate an empty atomize object, which is expected to be used with the assign method at some later point. (This is particularly useful for defining a local atomize object in a header file in a way that won't throw an exception, including invalid mode codes {which will just be ignored instead of throwing an exception}.)
flags | See ATOMIZE_FLAGS for a list of options |
mode | Granulatarity (default is to return the entire atom): 0 = don't set any modes (default) 'k' = key (same as 0 if no key-value pair was detected) 'v' = value (will be empty if no key-value pair was detected) 'p' = returns "1" if key-value pair is present, or an empty string if not Conversion options (default is for no conversion): 'c' = Camel_Case 'f' = First character in upper-case 'l' = all lower case 'u' = ALL UPPER CASE |
inline |
Instantiate an atomize object using the specified ASCIIZ string for intake.
std::invalid_argument | If the parameters are malformed in some way. |
intake | The intake ASCIIZ string |
len | The length of the intake string -1 = Measure ASCIIZ string |
flags | See ATOMIZE_FLAGS for a list of options |
mode | Granulatarity (default is to return the entire atom): 0 = don't set any modes (default) 'k' = key (same as 0 if no key-value pair was detected) 'v' = value (will be empty if no key-value pair was detected) 'p' = returns "1" if key-value pair is present, or an empty string if not Conversion options (default is for no conversion): 'c' = Camel_Case 'f' = First character in upper-case 'l' = all lower case 'u' = ALL UPPER CASE |
inline |
Instantiate an atomize object using the specified ASCIIZ string for intake.
std::invalid_argument | If the parameters are malformed in some way. |
intake | The intake ASCIIZ string |
len | The length of the intake string -1 = Measure ASCIIZ string |
flags | See ATOMIZE_FLAGS for a list of options |
mode | Granulatarity (default is to return the entire atom): nullptr = don't set any modes "k" = key (same as 0 if no key-value pair was detected) "v" = value (will be empty if no key-value pair was detected) "p" = returns "1" if key-value pair is present, or an empty string if not Conversion options (default is for no conversion): "c" = Camel_Case "f" = First character in upper-case "l" = all lower case "u" = ALL UPPER CASE |
inline |
Instantiate an atomize object using the specified string for intake.
std::invalid_argument | If the parameters are malformed in some way. |
intake | The intake C++ string |
len | The length of the intake string -1 = Obtain length from intake.size() method |
flags | See ATOMIZE_FLAGS for a list of options |
mode | Granulatarity (default is to return the entire atom): 0 = don't set any modes (default) 'k' = key (same as 0 if no key-value pair was detected) 'v' = value (will be empty if no key-value pair was detected) 'p' = returns "1" if key-value pair is present, or an empty string if not Conversion options (default is for no conversion): 'c' = Camel_Case 'f' = First character in upper-case 'l' = all lower case 'u' = ALL UPPER CASE |
inline |
Instantiate an atomize object using the specified string for intake.
std::invalid_argument | If the parameters are malformed in some way. |
intake | The intake C++ string |
len | The length of the intake string -1 = Obtain length from intake.size() method |
flags | See ATOMIZE_FLAGS for a list of options |
mode | Granulatarity (default is to return the entire atom): nullptr = don't set any modes "k" = key (same as 0 if no key-value pair was detected) "v" = value (will be empty if no key-value pair was detected) "p" = returns "1" if key-value pair is present, or an empty string if not Conversion options (default is for no conversion): "c" = Camel_Case "f" = First character in upper-case "l" = all lower case "u" = ALL UPPER CASE |
inlinenoexcept |
inline |
Assign (and interpret) a new ASCIIZ string (flags and modes are inherited).
std::invalid_argument | If the parameters are malformed in some way. |
intake | The intake ASCIIZ string |
len | The length of the intake string -1 = Measure ASCIIZ string |
inline |
Assign (and interpret) a new string (flags and modes are inherited).
std::invalid_argument | If the parameters are malformed in some way. |
intake | The intake C++ string |
len | The length of the intake string -1 = Obtain length from intake.size() method |
inline |
Access to atoms, whilst utilizing the operator mode that was configured using the mode method. Return an entire atom.
std::out_of_range | if the index is out-of-range |
index | Which atom to obtain (0 = first atom; negative values count backward from the last atom in the internal array) |
mode | Granulatarity (default is to return the entire atom): 0 = don't change any modes (default) 'k' = key (same as 0 if no key-value pair was detected) 'v' = value (will be empty if no key-value pair was detected) 'p' = returns "1" if key-value pair is present, or an empty string if not Conversion options (default is for no conversion): 'c' = Camel_Case 'f' = First character in upper-case 'l' = all lower case 'u' = ALL UPPER CASE |
inline |
Access to atoms, whilst utilizing the operator mode that was configured using the mode method. Return an entire atom.
std::out_of_range | if the index is out-of-range |
index | Which atom to obtain (0 = first atom; negative values count backward from the last atom in the internal array) |
mode | Granulatarity (default is to return the entire atom): nullptr = don't change any modes (default) "k" = key (same as 0 if no key-value pair was detected) "v" = value (will be empty if no key-value pair was detected) "p" = returns "1" if key-value pair is present, or an empty string if not Conversion options (default is for no conversion): "c" = Camel_Case "f" = First character in upper-case "l" = all lower case "u" = ALL UPPER CASE |
inline |
inline |
inline |
Obtain current set of internal flags.
inline |
Set internal flags.
flags | See ATOMIZE_FLAGS for a list of options |
inline |
Return the entire atom.
std::out_of_range | if the index is out-of-range |
index | Which atom to obtain (0 = first atom; negative values count backward from the last atom in the internal array) |
inline |
Return the key portion of an atom, or the entire atom if a key-vlue pair wasn't detected.
std::out_of_range | if the index is out-of-range |
index | Which atom to obtain (0 = first atom; negative values count backward from the last atom in the internal array) |
inline |
Return the value portion of an atom, or an empty string if a key-vlue pair wasn't detected.
std::out_of_range | if the index is out-of-range |
index | Which atom to obtain (0 = first atom; negative values count backward from the last atom in the internal array) |
inline |
Indicates whether the specified atom was split into a key-value pair (if it was, then the key
and the value
are delimited by the first instance of an equal sign {=
std::out_of_range | if the index is out-of-range |
index | Which atom to obtain (0 = first atom; negative values count backward from the last atom in the internal array) |
inlinenoexcept |
Get the operator modes that are set for the operator[] operator.
std::invalid_argument | if an incorrect value is provided |
inline |
Set the operator modes for use with the operator[] operator (modes that are not specified will be reset to their defaults).
Calling this method with 0
as the parameter will result in resetting all operator modes to their defaults.
std::invalid_argument | if an incorrect value is provided |
mode | Granulatarity (default is to return the entire atom): nullptr = clear all modes (default) "k" = key (same as 0 if no key-value pair was detected) "v" = value (will be empty if no key-value pair was detected) "p" = returns "1" if key-value pair is present, or an empty string if not Conversion options (default is for no conversion): "c" = Camel_Case "f" = First character in upper-case "l" = all lower case "u" = ALL UPPER CASE |
inline |
Set the operator modes for use with the operator[] operator (modes that are not specified will be reset to their defaults).
Calling this method with 0
as the parameter will result in resetting all operator modes to their defaults.
std::invalid_argument | if an incorrect value is provided |
mode | Granulatarity (default is to return the entire atom): 0 = entire atom (default) 'k' = key (same as 0 if no key-value pair was detected) 'v' = value (will be empty if no key-value pair was detected) 'p' = returns "1" if key-value pair is present, or an empty string if not Conversion options (default is for no conversion): 'c' = Camel_Case 'f' = First character in upper-case 'l' = all lower case 'u' = ALL UPPER CASE |
inline |
inlinenoexcept |
Generate an std::vector<std::string> that contains all atoms.
split_kv_pairs | FALSE = don't split key-value pairs (default) TRUE = split key-value pairs into separate entries (for key names, the equal sign will be included at the end of the string) |
inline |
Array-style access to atoms, whilst utilizing the operator mode that was configured using the mode method.
std::out_of_range | if the index is out-of-range |
index | Index of character to access (0 = first atom; negative index values are calculated in reverse, starting with -1 as the final atom) |