randolf.ca  1.00
Randolf Richardson's C++ classes
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Crandolf::AtomizeThe Atomize class provides an object-oriented interface with array-style access to a string, that was efficiently separated into atoms, and with more granularity and functionality through the use of modes (see mode for deatils) and certain API methods, hence one could say "Atomize can split your atoms safely."
 Crandolf::rmailaddr::error_dataStructure of errors (only used when exceptions are disabled)
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Crandolf::rex::rexRandolf's exceptions class, that takes errors from POSIX and OpenSSL functions and throws logically-named C++ exceptions
 Crandolf::rex::xALLException group that can be used to catch exceptions thrown for errors returned from POSIX fuctions (e.g., socket functions)
 Crandolf::rex::xALL_EAIException group that can be used to catch exceptions thrown for EAI_ errors returned from POSIX fuctions (e.g., socket functions)
 Crandolf::rex::xALL_ETIMEException group that can be used to catch exceptions thrown for ETIME and ETIMEDOUT errors returned from POSIX fuctions (e.g., socket functions)
 Crandolf::rex::xALL_TLSException group that can be used to catch exceptions thrown for TLS errors returned from OpenSSL socket functions
 Crandolf::rex::xE2BIGException for error: E2BIG
 Crandolf::rex::xEACCESException for error: EACCES
 Crandolf::rex::xEADDRINUSEException for error: EADDRINUSE
 Crandolf::rex::xEADDRNOTAVAILException for error: EADDRNOTAVAIL
 Crandolf::rex::xEAFNOSUPPORTException for error: EAFNOSUPPORT
 Crandolf::rex::xEAGAINException for error: EAGAIN / EWOULDBLOCK
 Crandolf::rex::xEALREADYException for error: EALREADY
 Crandolf::rex::xEBADEException for error: EBADE
 Crandolf::rex::xEBADFException for error: EBADF
 Crandolf::rex::xEBADFDException for error: EBADFD
 Crandolf::rex::xEBADMSGException for error: EBADMSG
 Crandolf::rex::xEBADRException for error: EBADR
 Crandolf::rex::xEBADRQCException for error: EBADRQC
 Crandolf::rex::xEBADSLTException for error: EBADSLT
 Crandolf::rex::xEBUSYException for error: EBUSY
 Crandolf::rex::xECOMMException for error: ECOMM
 Crandolf::rex::xECONNABORTEDException for error: ECONNABORTED
 Crandolf::rex::xECONNREFUSEDException for error: ECONNREFUSED
 Crandolf::rex::xECONNRESETException for error: ECONNRESET
 Crandolf::rex::xEDEADLKException for error: EDEADLK
 Crandolf::rex::xEDESTADDRREQException for error: EDESTADDRREQ
 Crandolf::rex::xEFAULTException for error: EFAULT
 Crandolf::rex::xEHOSTDOWNException for error: EHOSTDOWN
 Crandolf::rex::xEHOSTUNREACHException for error: EHOSTUNREACH
 Crandolf::rex::xEILSEQException for error: EILSEQ
 Crandolf::rex::xEINPROGRESSException for error: EINPROGRESS
 Crandolf::rex::xEINTRException for error: EINTR
 Crandolf::rex::xEINVALException for error: EINVAL
 Crandolf::rex::xEIOException for error: EIO
 Crandolf::rex::xEISCONNException for error: EISCONN
 Crandolf::rex::xELOOPException for error: ELOOP
 Crandolf::rex::xEMFILEException for error: EMFILE
 Crandolf::rex::xEMSGSIZEException for error: EMSGSIZE
 Crandolf::rex::xEMULTIHOPException for error: EMULTIHOP
 Crandolf::rex::xENAMETOOLONGException for error: ENAMETOOLONG
 Crandolf::rex::xENETDOWNException for error: ENETDOWN
 Crandolf::rex::xENETRESETException for error: ENETRESET
 Crandolf::rex::xENETUNREACHException for error: ENETUNREACH
 Crandolf::rex::xENFILEException for error: ENFILE
 Crandolf::rex::xENOBUFSException for error: ENOBUFS
 Crandolf::rex::xENODATAException for error: ENODATA
 Crandolf::rex::xENODEVException for error: ENODEV
 Crandolf::rex::xENOENTException for error: ENOENT
 Crandolf::rex::xENOLINKException for error: ENOLINK
 Crandolf::rex::xENOMEMException for error: ENOMEM
 Crandolf::rex::xENONETException for error: ENONET
 Crandolf::rex::xENOPROTOOPTException for error: ENOPROTOOPT
 Crandolf::rex::xENOSPCException for error: ENOSPC
 Crandolf::rex::xENOSRException for error: ENOSR
 Crandolf::rex::xENOSTRException for error: ENOSTR
 Crandolf::rex::xENOTCONNException for error: ENOTCONN
 Crandolf::rex::xENOTDIRException for error: ENOTDIR
 Crandolf::rex::xENOTSOCKException for error: ENOTSOCK
 Crandolf::rex::xENOTSUPException for error: ENOTSUP / EOPTNOTSUP
 Crandolf::rex::xENOTTYException for error: ENOTTY
 Crandolf::rex::xENOTUNIQException for error: ENOTUNIQ
 Crandolf::rex::xENXIOException for error: ENXIO
 Crandolf::rex::xEOPNOTSUPPException for error: EOPNOTSUPP
 Crandolf::rex::xEOVERFLOWException for error: EOVERFLOW
 Crandolf::rex::xEPERMException for error: EPERM
 Crandolf::rex::xEPFNOSUPPORTException for error: EPFNOSUPPORT
 Crandolf::rex::xEPIPEException for error: EPIPE
 Crandolf::rex::xEPROTOException for error: EPROTONOSUPPORT
 Crandolf::rex::xEPROTONOSUPPORTException for error: EPROTO
 Crandolf::rex::xEPROTOTYPEException for error: EPROTOTYPE
 Crandolf::rex::xERANGEException for error: ERANGE
 Crandolf::rex::xEREMOTEIOException for error: EREMOTEIO
 Crandolf::rex::xEROFSException for error: EROFS
 Crandolf::rex::xESOCKTNOSUPPORTException for error: ESOCKNOSUPPORT
 Crandolf::rex::xESRCHException for error: ESRCH
 Crandolf::rex::xEWOULDBLOCKException for error: EWOULDBLOCK / EAGAIN
 Crandolf::rex::xUNKNOWNException for all other errors that are not known
 Cstd::mutexSTL class
 Crandolf::rsocket_ioStructure of socket I/O statistics tracked by rsocket. The reason this is a subclass of std::mutex is to ensure a thread-safe operation for the rsocket::~rsocket destructor when making a final copy of the internally-tracked I/O statistics using the pointer to this structure (if specified with the rsocket::net_io_final() method)
 Crandolf::rhostnameThis rhostname class provides an object-oriented internet hostname
 Crandolf::rlabelInternal structure that rhostname uses to store rlabel portions, of which at least one comprises a hostname
 Crandolf::rlineOne line of text is stored in this class, with additional metadata to track whether the text was terminated by an EoL (End of Line) sequence, and, if so, what the EoL sequence was
 Crandolf::rmailaddrThis rmailaddr class provides an object-oriented eMail address
 Crandolf::rringRing buffer implementation for 8-bit bytes that's threadsafe and resizeable, and the methods are designed to be efficient in various ways, including by supporting the transfer of multiple bytes in variable quantities
 Crandolf::rring_bamThis structure contains a Block Allocation Map (BAM) of the positions and lengths of data blocks in ring buffer memory. This is part of an advanced feature that's specifically useful for direct memory access to the ring buffer's memory (access operations will likely need to be split into two operations when the buffer straddles the ring buffer's memory boundary, which benefits performance by making direct read/write operations with file and socket I/O, but for most applications it's better to use the other methods provided in the randolf::rring class since this is what they were designed for)
 Crandolf::rsocketThis rsocket class provides an easy-to-use and thoroughy-implemented object-oriented socket I/O interface for C++, intended to make socket I/O programming (with or without TLS encryption) easier and more enjoyable
 Crandolf::rsocket_groupAn rsocket_group provides a means to associate multiple rsocket objects so that the same operation can be performed on all of them at once
 Crandolf::rsocket_group_rcInternal structure that rsocket_group uses to communicate results from mass operations across multiple rsocket objects
 Crandolf::rsocket_muxThe rsocket multiplexer extends the functionality of the rsocket class primarily for handling multiple sockets that are beyond the scope of the single-socket-focused nature of rsocket
 Crandolf::rsocket_mux_fdsInternal structure that rsocket_mux uses to store rsocket objects with their intended fds/fd_set relations. The vector that this structure is used to generate fds tables
 Crandolf::rsocket_sniSpecialized interface for collecting a group of SNI (Server Name Identifier) contexts for TLS connections
 Crandolf::rthreadThis rthread thread library provides an easier and sufficiently-complete object-oriented thread interface class for C++ that adds a properly-honoured destructor, and without terminating the entire application when the thread throws an exception. This class also provides a virtual method for optionally handling all exceptions (that are otherwise ignored by default) in a penultimate stage prior to commencing onward to the final destructor stage
 Crandolf::rtoolsThis rtools class primarily provides a collection of static methods that facilitate a variety of general-purpose computer programming needs. Separate classes may also be added in the future for more sophisticated needs
 Csockaddr_dlStructure of a Link-Level sockaddr